RESTORING the Maimonides Institute HAIFA ISRAEL
The restoration and expansion of the original Maimonides Research Institute in Haifa, the budget for this renovation estimated at $1.8 million. Current evaluation of the Institute including, building, housing and lot is estimated at approximately $12-16 million dollars.
Art & Publishing
Moshe Novak
Moshe Novak donated the planning of sketching of the artistic windows of the Maimonides Research Institute in Haifa (estimated at $1.2 million dollars) for the "אני מאמין" "Ani Ma'amin" project.
The new Maimonides Institute
Museum, LifeScience, Medical Research, Bet-Midrash and Kollel,
Institute in Haifa.
Help reinstate the original Maimonides Institute to its due glory and status!
Museum & Galleries
Medical research center
Annual Medical award
Bait Midrash & Kollel
Library & Online Retail
Event Hall with Restaurant
The Goal!
Alain Kleinmann
Following the dedication of the Allan Kleinman art collection, it will be named the Allan Kleinman "אני מאמין" "Ani Ma'amin" Museum in the Maimonides Research Institute in Haifa.
Alain Kleinmann was born in Paris in 1953 in post war Europe. He began experimenting with painting and print making at a very young age. He began experimenting with painting and print making at a very young age. Kleinmann was one of the first artists of the post-war generation to attempt to deal with the Holocaust and its impact on the continuity of Jewish life and memory. Kleinmann brings a special dimension only possible for an artist who is a child of Holocaust survivors, living and working among the remnants and ruins.
Art by Alain Kleinmann
Ramba"m Institute
Maimonides Research Institute in Haifa books, over 100 volumes.
An advanced program of intensive Talmudic studies is available for the serious student interested in gaining in-depth knowledge and training for future positions of teaching and leadership.
Publications (click)
The Institute publishes books, journals and pamphlets on medicine, medical and personal ethics, philosophy, theology, and moral conduct, religious law, logic, astronomy, psychiatry, architecture, languages, sanitation, environmental, protection, hygiene and more -- all the areas of knowledge that occupied Maimonides.
Visit to R' Chaim Kanievsky, at this event Rabbi Assaf presented the thirteenth volume of the Concordance which was donated by the Feinberg families of Atlanta, Georgia and Netania, Israel to Rabbi Kanievsky (5 tammuz 5776 / 7/11/2016)